Dentistry for adults and children, all types of services, we treat without pain and stress!
Experienced and professional doctors. A complex approach. Diagnostics, consultation.
Dental treatment without stress, pain and tears! Our patients have long forgotten about dental phobia!
The department is equipped with the most modern medical equipment, it signifficantly increases the effectiveness of the treatment process.
Dental treatment takes place in comfortable dental rooms. Cozy chairs, relaxing music, nice staff!
Charismatic, kind, sympathetic - they will do everything possible and impossible to restore the beauty and health of your smile.
We use local anesthetics so that you do not experience local physical pain.
Sometimes the use of local anesthesia may not be possible. In these cases, we suggest the use of general anesthesia (narcosis) or sedation.
Our goal is to provide the patient with not only high-quality, but also comfortable, stress-free treatment!
Ask your questions and make an appointment from 8:00 to 16:30 by phone:
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